I have had quotes written in diaries, stuck on walls, mirrors, wrote them on jeans, bags, drafting boards, everything that would make me feel stronger than I felt then. This is a compilation of Quotes and from my personal experience I know how inspiring and encouraging words from quotes are in moments of distress. I have lived every word written on every page of this book. Now I know that it is life’s process to test our strengths and thus, make us feel weaker and smaller than we are so that we bounce back with an energy that manifests our aspirations. I could not feel the sweet taste of accomplishments because I could not let go off the fact that my struggles were too larger than the small amount of success I was experiencing at the moment. But while reading Brave Enough, I realised the facade of bravery that I put upfront to appear strong often resulted in weak spirits in my moments of happiness. Basic Editing, Deleting, Undeleting, Redoing.
Many times in life, when I have failed miserably in friendships, or understanding my parents or in my academic and professional lives, I have self- motivated myself and risen up above the misery of failure. Microsoft Word 2016 Beginning (6-8 hours) MS Word Basics (Screen, Menu) Shortcut Menus, Toolbars & ToolTips. Cheryl Strayed has titled the book as a mini instruction manual for soul and I go ahead to vouch how true it is to its content.
This was my very first read on Kindle and I am so glad for it. The Topaz MS Office Plug-In software allows users to electronically capture a handwritten signature in a Microsoft Word document using a Topaz signature pad.